イギリスの政治家、作家、劇作家 (1672-1719)
ジョゼフ・アディソン(1672年 - 1719年) はイギリスの文筆家。
- 陽気な気質は無邪気さと結びつくときには魅力的な美人を、知識と結びつくときには喜ばしい美人を、そしてウィットと結びつくときには良い性質の美人を作り出す。
- A cheerful temper joined with innocence will make beauty attractive, knowledge delightful and wit good-natured.
- The Tatler no. 192
- A cheerful temper joined with innocence will make beauty attractive, knowledge delightful and wit good-natured.

- 人が最初に顧慮すべきは、自責の念を避けないようにすること、次に考慮すべきは世間の非難を受けないようにすることである。
- A man's first care should be to avoid the reproaches of his own heart, his next to escape the censures of the world.
- Sir Roger on the Bench
- A man's first care should be to avoid the reproaches of his own heart, his next to escape the censures of the world.
- 優しいさまざまなもののなかにいて、私は我を忘れた。
- Amidst the soft variety I'm lost.
- Letter from Italy (l. 100)
- Amidst the soft variety I'm lost.
- 対処薬 (antidote) とはぼけを防ぐ(prevent dotes)ために取るもののことだ。
- Antidotes are what you take to prevent dotes.
- The Drummer (Act IV, sc. 6)
- Antidotes are what you take to prevent dotes.
- antidote(文字通りには dote に対する)にかけた地口。
- 書物とは、偉大な天才が人類に残す遺産である。書物は世代から世代へと受け継がれ、現在からまだ生まれぬ未来のものたちへと伝わる。
- Books are the legacies that a great genius leaves to mankind, which are delivered down from generation to generation, as presents to the posterity of those who are yet unborn.
- The Spectator issue no.166
- Books are the legacies that a great genius leaves to mankind, which are delivered down from generation to generation, as presents to the posterity of those who are yet unborn.
- 慈悲とは心がもつ美徳である。手の美徳ではない。
- Charity is a virtue of the heart, and not of the hands.
- "The Guardian", no. 166
- Charity is a virtue of the heart, and not of the hands.
- 贈り物と施しは慈悲の表現である、慈悲の核心ではない。
- Gifts and alms are the expressions, not the essence, of this virtue.
- The Guardian no.166
- Gifts and alms are the expressions, not the essence, of this virtue.
- 健康と陽気さは互いを生む。
- Health and cheerfulness mutually beget each other.
- The Spectator issue no. 387
- Health and cheerfulness mutually beget each other.
- 正義はともがら、友人、親族をかえりみない、従ってつねに盲目のものとして表される。
- Justice discards party, friendship, kindred, and is therefore always represented as blind.
- The Guardian no. 99
- Justice discards party, friendship, kindred, and is therefore always represented as blind.
- 知識は、まことに、美徳の次に来る。まったくもって人は別の人間の上にのぼっていくものだ。
- Knowledge is, indeed, that which, next to virtue, truly and essentially raises one man above another.
- The Guardian no. 111, Letter of Alexander to Aristotle
- Knowledge is, indeed, that which, next to virtue, truly and essentially raises one man above another.
- 人は笑うことが出来ることで、他のすべての被造物と区別される。
- Man is distinguished from all other creatures by the faculty of laughter.
- The Spectator (September 26, 1712)
- Man is distinguished from all other creatures by the faculty of laughter.
- 謙虚さは美徳の飾りであるだけない。それは美徳の守りでもある。
- Modesty is not only an ornament, but also a guard to virtue.
- 双方について、たくさんのことがいわれただろう。
- Much might be said on both sides.
- The Spectator issue no.122
- Much might be said on both sides.
- 宗教音楽への熱狂は人を啓発する。魂を目覚めさせ、高くもちあげる。そして崇高な望みとともに魂を羽ばたかせ、神性へと語りかける際に魂によりそう。
- Music religious heat inspires, It wakes the soul, and lifts it high, And wings it with sublime desires, And fits it to bespeak the Deity.
- A Song for St. Cecilia's Day (st. 4)
- このキリスト教徒がどのような安らぎのうちに死んでいくことができるかを見てください。
(: See in what peace a Christian can die. (Last words)
- 臨終の言葉。
- ユーモアのセンスというのは洗練された繊細な性質のものである。それゆえユーモアのセンスは本性から高貴な心性のうちにか、あるいはよい範例か優れた教育によって陶冶されてきた心性のうちにのみ見いだされる。
- The sense of honour is of so fine and delicate a nature, that it is only to be met with in minds which are naturally noble, or in such as have been cultivated by good examples, or a refined education.
- The Guardian no.161
- The sense of honour is of so fine and delicate a nature, that it is only to be met with in minds which are naturally noble, or in such as have been cultivated by good examples, or a refined education.
- 正義より偉大で神々しい美徳はない。
- There in no virtue so truly great and godlike as justice.
- The Guardian no. 99
- There in no virtue so truly great and godlike as justice.
- 我々はどんどんまじめになってきている、それで、言ってほしいのだが、これは馬鹿になる一歩手前というものじゃないだろうか。
- We are growing serious, and, let me tell you, that's the very next step to being dull.
- The Drummer (Act IV, sc. 6)
- 彫刻と大理石の塊の間の関係と同じものが、教育と魂の間にはある。
- What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to the soul.
- The Spectator issue no. 215
- What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to the soul.
- ローマにいるときには、ローマ人のように生活しなさい。
- When you are at Rome, live as Romans live.
- Sir Roger on the Bench
- When you are at Rome, live as Romans live.
- 偉人の墓を見る時, あらゆる嫉妬の感情は私の中で消える。美しい碑文を読む時, あらゆる不相応な欲望はなくなる。墓石の上の両親の悲しみに会う時, 私の心は同情と共に開かれる。その両親自身の墓を見る時, 私達がすぐに後を追わなければならない人々を悲しむ虚しさを思う。彼らを引き下ろした人によって横たわる王に会う時,並んで葬られた宿敵同士の才人達や, 論争論議と共に世界を二分した聖人達を思う時,人類の些細な争い, 党争, 討議のことを後悔と驚きとともに思案する。昨日死んだ人, 600年前の人, 墓のいくつかの日付を読む時,我々の全員が同時代であり、出現を共にした偉大な日を思う。
- When I look upon the tombs of the great, every emotion of envy dies in me; when I read the epitaphs of the beautiful, every inordinate desire goes out; when I meet with the grief of parents upon a tombstone, my heart melts with compassion; when I see the tomb of the parents themselves, I consider the vanity of grieving for those whom we must quickly follow: when I see kings lying by those who deposed them, when I consider rival wits placed side by side, or the holy men that divided the world with their contests and disputes, I reflect with sorrow and astonishment on the little competitions, factions, and debates of mankind. When I read the several dates of the tombs, of some that died yesterday, and some six hundred years ago, I consider that great Day when we shall all of us be Contemporaries, and make our appearance together.
- Thoughts in Westminster Abbey
- When I look upon the tombs of the great, every emotion of envy dies in me; when I read the epitaphs of the beautiful, every inordinate desire goes out; when I meet with the grief of parents upon a tombstone, my heart melts with compassion; when I see the tomb of the parents themselves, I consider the vanity of grieving for those whom we must quickly follow: when I see kings lying by those who deposed them, when I consider rival wits placed side by side, or the holy men that divided the world with their contests and disputes, I reflect with sorrow and astonishment on the little competitions, factions, and debates of mankind. When I read the several dates of the tombs, of some that died yesterday, and some six hundred years ago, I consider that great Day when we shall all of us be Contemporaries, and make our appearance together.