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Ohgi (トーク | 投稿記録) (トーク) による版 28519 を取り消し
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== ガンジーの言葉とされているもの ==
* あらゆる執着からの[[自由]]とは神を[[真理]]として現実化させることである。
*: {{lang|en|Freedom from all attachment is the realization of God as Truth. }}
*:{{lang|en|"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind."}}
*: {{lang|en|"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not every man’s greed."}}
*:{{lang|en|"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."}}
*:{{lang|en|"Find purpose, the means will follow."}}
*:{{lang|en|"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."}}
*:{{lang|en|"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong."}}
*:{{lang|en|"It is unwise to be too sure of one's own wisdom. It is healthy to be reminded that the strongest might weaken and the wisest might err."}}
*:{{lang|en|"To believe in something, and not live it, is dishonest."}}
*:{{lang|en|"You should be the change that you want to see in the world."}}
*:{{lang|en|"An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it. Truth stands, even if there be no public support. It is self sustained."}}
=== 非暴力 ===
*:{{lang|en|"I am prepared to die, but there is no cause for which I am prepared to kill."}}
*:{{lang|en|"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."}}
=== 愛 ===
*:{{lang|en|"I can combine the greatest love with the greatest opposition to wrong."}}
*:{{lang|en|"Whether humanity will consciously follow the law of love, I do not know. But that need not disturb me. The law will work just as the law of gravitation works, whether we accept it or not. The person who discovered the law of love was a far greater scientist than any of our modern scientists. Only our explorations have not gone far enough and so it is not possible for everyone to see all its workings."}}
*:{{lang|en|"A coward is incapable of exhibiting love; it is the prerogative of the brave."}}
*:{{lang|en|"All my actions have their rise in my inalienable love of mankind."}}
*:{{lang|en|"Hate the sin and love the sinner."}}
*:{{lang|en|"Whenever you are confronted with an opponent, conquer him with love."}}
<!-- from [[w:en:Mohandas Gandhi]], 18:57, 6 Jan 2005 by Jeandré
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*: {{lang|en|"I think it would be a good idea!"}}
*:{{lang|en|"It is my firm opinion that Europe does not represent the spirit of God or Christianity but the spirit of Satan. And Satan’s successes are the greatest when he appears with the name of God on his lips." }}
*:{{lang|en|"I consider western Christianity in its practical working a negation of Christ’s Christianity."}}
*"I do not consider [[Hitler]] to be as bad as he is depicted. He is showing an ability that is amazing and seems to be gaining his victories without much bloodshed"